
I started training with Tom preparing for my world title win against Nong-O. As a result, I came into that fight stronger and more powerful than ever before.

I've worked with him for multiple world championship camps since then, in person and online, and have seen improvement across the board.

His approach to training is simple, effective and gets real results at the highest level.

Jonathan Haggerty - One Fc Muay Thai & k1 World Champion


From my first intro session with Tom, I was shocked by his knowledge & skill at strength & conditioning. I've had S&C coaches before in other gyms and as a rugby player, and Tom massively stands out.

He's able to simplify really difficult ideas and movements into easy to follow cues and ideas, and I've got nothing but great gains from his program in the time I've worked with him

Liam Garvey

Tom is an excellent trainer. He didn't hesitate to give me hard work when necessary, but it was always to guide me where I needed to be. He is extremely knowledgeable and always great to work with.

Tom helped me through my latest camp and I won with a tko in the 3rd round. I used to feel wiped out after the first, but with Tom's help I feel like a new, upgraded version of me.

Matt Pucci

Tom helped me go from nearly 77kg down to walking around at a comfortable 68kg - all while feeling stronger than ever. This was never a weight I thought I could make but now I can stay there stress free.

Stefano Catacoli

When I started training kickboxing I felt like I wasn't strong enough, and like I needed to be in better shape if I wanted to fight in future.

As a flyweight like me, tom really understood where I was coming from and the best way to help. I wasn't sure at first (I didn't want weight to slow me down) but in just a couple of months I felt faster and stronger.

He helped me with my weight cut too and I just won my first fight - really recommend working with Tom

Ben Conlin

I'd been training weight for 5 years and just started doing muay thai. I told Tom I wanted to build some muscle while still being able o train Muay Thai without getting sore.

He reviewed what I'd been doing and showed me where I'd been going wrong and what I needed to change. He also showed me what to do with my nutrition and why that mattered so much, which I'd never thought of. Definitely seen some big gains over the past few month thanks to Tom, and I feel better in Muay Thai!

Nick Kelley

I worked with Tom for my 10-week camp getting ready for my next fight (UFC contenders series). I'm coming into this fighter feeling stronger than ever before, and Tom played a huge part in making that happen. I'll be working with him again and you should too

Thomas Paull

I have seen substantial improvements in my strength, power and technique ever since I trained with Tom. My cardio has improved massively, and my recovery time is much shorter than before. Thanks to working with him I am a much more stronger, athletic, confident fighter

Nadine Abou-Saada

Down to my target weight just following the steps you told me to and I haven't starved myself or anything - feeling healthy! Thanks a lot bro, I couldn't have done it without you!

Atila Rezvan

I’m a beginner at Muay Thai. I used to struggle to get through a few rounds of pad work without gassing out and losing all my power. I tried running every day but it was too much for my knees and couldn't keep it up. Other people I trained with recommended Tom so I started working with him.

Tom showed me simpler and easier ways to do my cardio, and gave me a lot of useful advice and coaching that helped get my cardio better. Now I really like cardio, I have tons of energy to train and I feel ready for my first fight.

Amanda Bonner

As a former pro athlete who has had huge physical and nutritional demands through my career, I wanted someone to help me return to a balanced lifestyle, and create a healthier relationship with food outside of weight classes.

Tom was able to take the rigid diets and targets I had used in the past, and reformulate them into a simpler set of guidelines, that allowed me to remain healthy and functional, while being more flexible and stable.

It was important to me to be able to not only continue to train well, but to live a more balanced life and remain healthy long-term. Tom is not only very competent, but is able to adapt to your specific situation and needs.

Magnus Pedersen

Really impressed with Tom's coaching so far. I had never done heavy strength work before, only bodyweight, plyometrics , med ball throws etc. I wasn't sure about doing it but I went with Tom's program. 6 weeks later and I feel tons stronger in sparring, even my coach mentioned it. Thanks mate!

Ed Baughman

I'm finishing out this fight camp feeling stronger and more ready than ever thanks to Tom's program. I wasn't sure I'd get everything I needed just from online coaching at first, but I got everything I needed, the course material really helped and Tom was always there checking in or to answer questions. I'll definitely be working with him after this fight, you should too

Luke Frenning

Tom was recommended by a friend after I missed weight for a fight. He gave me a plan that worked for me, and he taught me a lot about nutrition that really helped me make sense of the process. I've not missed weight since and weight cutting feels much easier now. Recommended!

Jonas Planck

As a former pro athlete who has had huge physical and nutritional demands through my career, I wanted someone to help me return to a balanced lifestyle, and create a healthier relationship with food outside of weight classes.

Tom was able to take the rigid diets and targets I had used in the past, and reformulate them into a simpler set of guidelines, that allowed me to remain healthy and functional, while being more flexible and stable.

It was important to me to be able to not only continue to train well, but to live a more balanced life and remain healthy long-term. Tom is not only very competent, but is able to adapt to your specific situation and needs.

Dan Udischas-Trojan

I've been working with Tom through online coaching to improve strength and mobility for k1, and the program has been top notch. I've learned heaps of new stuff about strength training and I'm feeling stronger and more mobile already. Everything I wanted!

Pete Beavan

I’m very happy with my progress, lifts have all gone up , core strength is a lot better, and my shoulders feel a lot more stable which helps a lot with jiu jitsu! Really happy I started working with you, thank you Tom!!!

Táo Cô

Tom's coaching is well worth the money. I've been working with him for 8 weeks and the improvements to my grappling have been huge. Wish I'd started sooner.

Jason Briant

I do BJJ and started working with Tom to get stronger and help with joint pains. Every few weeks I noticed I'm stronger, and the training is always balanced enough that I can train hard on the mat. I'd highly recommend him if you want to get stronger for grappling.

Harry Atkinson

Everyday People

I’ve trained with Tom for 2 years now, and it's the best strength and conditioning I've ever done. His programs are really precisely put together in a goal specific way. If you stick to them and work har the results are amazing. If you want to get bigger, stronger, or perform better to martial arts, Tom is the guy!

Valentino Kožinec

Amazing trainer. I came to Tom as an absolute beginner in training weights, Tom showed me the basics of how to lift and my squat and deadlift both doubled in the first month!

You'll need to devote some focus to the gym and nutrition plans he writes for you, but they're made in a way that makes sense and gets the results you want. If you're new to the gym and want to get stronger and fitter quickly I'd really recommend him!

Gareth Coughtry

Tom really knows what he's doing! Following Tom’s plan I lost 8kgs ready for my wedding. While losing fat was great, the fact that I didn’t have to do hours of cardio and could eat pretty much all the foods I wanted to eat was even better.

Divya Mishra

Tom is a brilliant trainer! he's great at choosing exercises, working with injuries, and adapting training to fit your needs, he's professional, easy to communicate with, and manages to make training plans that fit around my work demands and still get the results I want. Don't pass up the opportunity to work with him!

Alison Wong

Training with Tom has been fantastic. He’s attentive, reliable, highly professional and a great guy. Training is bespoke and customised and it's a real highlight of every week,

Tom has completely changed the way I've approached training. I've finally benched 100kg, my girlfriend and friend have mentioned how much stronger and better I look. Tom stands out completely from the stereotypes (often fairly deserved) of PTs, and is a real find as a trainer.

Matthew Husselby

Tom's training program has been a complete game changer for me. I had done a lot of weight training before, but Tom's knowledge and advice really helped me to take my training to a new level and get the results I always wanted.

Also he has changed my outlook on nutrition completely. It's gone from something confusing and annoying to simple and easy to manage.

If you're serious about taking your training to the next level, a program from Tom is a must-have.

Vish Patel

I’ve been training with Tom for over a year now and seen significant gains from where I was before. I have a long history of sport and weight training, which includes some bad habits and a shoulder injury. He has developed a fantastic training programme that works around my injury and still gets me great results.

I have also made great gains, improved my overall strength and core, with my squats now at 140kg+ from 80kg a year ago. I have really transformed my approach to weight training with Tom and am seeing constant gains, increased strength and physique improvement, thanks to his personalised approach and the incredible knowledge he has.

Simon Roache

If you're looking to elevate your results from working out, Tom is your guy! Tom has been very encouraging and motivating throughout my program, and has an amazing depth of knowledge of nutrition. He has helped truly transform how I approach and understand training & nutrition.

I have lost 5kg since I finished and my goal to have a leaner physique was truly accomplished. I have been truly shocked at how effective working with Tom was.

George Tran

Before hiring Tom I'd been training by myself for a few years and hadn't seen what I really wanted from it I felt like I'd tried everything and wasn't sure where I was going wrong.

Everything got simpler working with Tom. He simplified my training and helped me to finally get my nutrition in order. I've seen huge changes in how I look and feel, and my wife and friends have said what an amazing change it is. Most importantly I really love training now and it's one of the most rewarding things I do.

Finn Lalani

When I started training with Tom, I'd weight trained before. My goal was to strengthen my body. In a short time, I saw a big difference both in my strength and how I looked. I felt leaner and stronger than before. Tom provides excellent guidance on diet, and healthier lifestyle choices to make. Tom is a committed person trainer and an excellent choice if you want good results quickly.

Frederik Karlsen

I've lost 10kg since working with Tom and maintained it ever since! Only regret is that I didn't start earlier, worth every penny!

SK Adams

Tom gave structure to my training which is exactly what I'd needed for a long time. He's professional, attentive and easy to get along with. I've trained with Tom for 4 years now, and I'm in better shape now in my 40s than I was in my 20s!

Tom COulson

I started working with Tom for help with nutrition, I had done a lot of sports when I was younger and had been going to the gym for several years, but never got the results I wanted in terms of how my body looked.

Tom really took time to understand the specifics of my diet and training and made a plan that really fit me and my needs individually. He provided so much extra material, and any questions I had he always helped immediately.

The diet worked better than anything I'd done on my own, but also felt easier and more flexible which was really surprising. While working with him I went for 20% body fat to 12%, and got stronger too! I'm really glad I hired him!

Ollie Myers

I came to Tom looking to gain muscle because I felt I wasn't making any more progress on my own. Tom has a really in depth knowledge of training for muscle growth, the program was hard work but Tom kept it interesting and rewarding. He also made sure I had my nutrition in place, which made a big difference. I'm not only bigger now, but stronger and feel a lot healthier. Tom is a gem!

Neil Hanbury

My training with Tom is structured, varied, and has helped me become confident with weight training as a beginner. He has been motivational, patient and always has great advice on training

Training is now a highlight of my week, thank you Tom!

Amandine Ghilbert

I contacted Tom to help me lose weight, I'd struggled with weight loss before and wanted to change. He was very professional and thorough, asked a lot of questions about my diet habits & lifestyle, and gave me a plan that was not drastic and in line with my current lifestyle. So far the results have been great and it hasn't been a struggle at all, I'm very glad I'm getting help from a professional like Tom

Paula Chodak

I had tried to lose weight before with some success, but there was a stubborn last 5 kilos I just couldn't move on my own. Working with Tom really changed things. Tom put together a plan that made sense, and gave me support, encouragement, education and honesty through the whole process to get me there. I had a great experience with Tom and I'd definitely recommend him!

Elin Dorman

I wasn't sure I needed a nutritionist, but I'm really glad I went for it. The plan Tom created was effective and easy to follow. It took all the guesswork out of what to do with my nutrition and made sure I stayed on track.

Thomas Loughery

Tom is a thoughtful, methodical trainer who takes great care to make every session challenging and engaging. He's friendly, professional and easy to get along with, and his sessions have made me re-engage with fitness. Training is a highlight of my week now. I would highly recommend him for all levels of training

David Orso

When I first contacted Tom I was unsure (his pricing was a good bit higher than my budget). But I had worked with other cheaper trainers before and not gotten the results I want.
From speaking to Tom I could see he had a clear understanding of how to get me the results I wanted, so I decided to do the consultation.

Immediately I was really impressed my his knowledge, care and attention to detail! I had a very clear plan for the first 10 weeks in detail, and seemed very dedicated to helping. In the first 10 weeks I lost 7kg, gained muscle and got stronger than ever (I squatted my bodyweight for the first time)! I'm planning on staying working with him, he's 100% worth the money and I'd recommend him to anyone looking to make better progress in the gym

Elliott Buczkowski-Ward

Best PT I've worked with. He is very good at adapting your training to your individual needs. Tom helped me to get a grasp of the fundamentals of weight training, so now I feel confident training on my own. He's also helped improve my posture and get rid of shoulder pain that bothered me for years. Strongly recommended.

Liam Mason

16 Resolution Way, London SE8 4NT

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